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Membership Committee`s Approach
In its assessment of the experience requirements towards deciding the nature of experience acceptable for admission or transfer to the Corporate Membership Classes, Council draws guidance from both the Statements and Directives of the Council of Registered Professional Engineers (Mauritius), as well as those issued by Engineering Institutions of International standing for overseas for admission to similar classes of their membership.
The current reference qualification for practicing engineering in Mauritius remains, under the CRPE Act No 49 as subsequently amended, the UK degree and the Corporate Membership of a Chartered Engineering Institution of the UK and Northern Ireland. Council draws guidance from the experience requirements for Corporate Members and Incorporated Engineers specified by the UK Engineering Council's to set the standards, after appropriate adaptation to suit the Mauritian environment, for admission into corporate Membership classes.
Entry or Transfer to Fellow
Applicants should hold at least 10 years of engineering practice with at least 5 years in a position of responsibility in major engineering works (design, execution, promotion, and practice of engineering), and to have made noteworthy contribution to engineering, and to have occupied a prominent position in the profession of engineering.
When completing Section 9 (of application form) applicants should bear in mind that the membership committee will be looking for experience at a very high level of responsibility, such as obtainable by engineers holding very senior positions (heads of department or divisions) within large organizations, or even those directing smaller technical business with very significant positive technological and economic impact on society and the environment.
Entry or Transfer to Member (MIEM)
The Bye Laws specify at least 4 years of practice, with 2 years in a position of high responsibility including at least 1 year in design and/ or planning and 1 year in construction and/ or management. Teaching engineering at graduate and postgraduate level is acceptable on the basis of 2 years of teaching as one year of responsible experience.
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